




The foods of the river otter are mainly unicellular algae, protozoa and organic debris, such as rotifers, flagellates, greeneye worms, green granules, snails, nautical algae, dinoflagellates, tetragonium, spindle diatoms, rods. Star algae, crustacean debris and plant leaves. The main digestible is diatom. You can't actively chase food, relying on the opening and closing of the clam shell, the swing of the cilia and cilia on the inside of the mantle causes the water to flow, and the food enters the carcass with the water. The food enters the cavity with the water, the particles move up along the silk to the base of the tendon, and then move forward to the lip. After the lip is selected, the small particles enter the mouth, and the large particles move backward from the edge of the inner ridge. At the intersection, the mantle is traced to the back end, and the two shells are slammed out of the body. According to some statistics, the water that flows into the carcass every day can reach 40 liters.xx






The foods of the river otter are mainly unicellular algae, protozoa and organic debris, such as rotifers, flagellates, greeneye worms, green granules, snails, nautical algae, dinoflagellates, tetragonium, spindle diatoms, rods. Star algae, crustacean debris and plant leaves. The main digestible is diatom. You can't actively chase food, relying on the opening and closing of the clam shell, the swing of the cilia and cilia on the inside of the mantle causes the water to flow, and the food enters the carcass with the water. The food enters the cavity with the water, the particles move up along the silk to the base of the tendon, and then move forward to the lip. After the lip is selected, the small particles enter the mouth, and the large particles move backward from the edge of the inner ridge. At the intersection, the mantle is traced to the back end, and the two shells are slammed out of the body. According to some statistics, the water that flows into the carcass every day can reach 40 liters.xx